Just like an addict is told to take one day at a time, so should those who are grieving. Every day is a new day full of infinite possibilities and second chances. I know that Will would want me to lead a happy and productive life. He was always a positive force in my life and I still try to live up to his expectations.
Will would have expected his father to forgive those responsible for his death. I have forgiven.
Will would have expected his father to treat his mother with dignity and respect. I know she misses Will so much. I truly hope that in the near future we can share memories of Will's wonderful life and laugh together. I know Will would want his mother to be happy. There is nothing, short of my own happiness, that I want more in life than to see her happy again.
If it sounds like I am hurting a little more today than usual it is because I am. I miss being a father and having family. The true story of Will's death is coming, I have begun writing it. The truth needs to be told so that others can learn from it and not let it happen again.
I live one day a time.
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