Christmas day at Will's grave
It felt good to spend some solitary time at Will's grave on Christmas day. He loved Christmas so much. It wasn't just the presents, it was the time that we always spend together as a family that made it Christmas to Will.
I am feeling a slight case of "Holiday Hangover". There is only so much a grieving person can handle and it feels good to be able to see Christmas 2011 in the rear-view mirror.
Thanks to everyone that checked in on me. It was much appreciated.
That must not be easy for you to do but I am so glad you went to the grave site to spend time with him. I know what you mean and can so relate because I felt the same way when I went to my mom's grave. Nothing else like it. It really is a place for us and not.them because of them being absent from the body and present with the Lord. Thanks for sharing this with us all.