Monday, September 17, 2012

An honor

An honor

Someone special put a dozen roses on Will's grave yesterday.

The roses were originally given to her in honor of her late husband, Ken Timbs, as part of a posthumous Lifetime Achievement presentation. Ken was a star in the world of professional wrestling and his family have become bright stars in my life. If you know anything about Will, you know he loved professional wrestling especially the wrestlers working in the local independent promotions. Ken was more than just a wrestler, he was trainer, a mentor and a friend to many of the same wrestlers that Will admired.

They are both gone but forever together.

Thank you Juanita Timbs for honoring Will.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Our last photo together

Our last photo together

Today is my birthday and I am miserable.

With a great day planned, I can not think of anything else but Will.

This photo is one I look at all the time.  It was taken the Sunday before Will died as we walked to the Braves game from our parking spot.  The day he ran the bases will always be a treasured memory.  We waited in the longest line ever just so he could get on the field and run the bases.  He knew that his Mom and I were getting impatient and told me several times that we could just leave saying "It won't be my last Braces game for sure."  He loved going to the ballpark.   There was no way I was going to disappoint him and leave now.

It was amazing to watch him running the bases.  Someone from the Braves took a photo of him running around second and his feet were both in the air.  It is amazing. I have the photo hanging on my living room wall and need to find a way to share it.  Watching the video of him running the bases today was almost torture but I miss him so much.