Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Post Father's Day

Post Father's Day

Father's Day was pretty good this year.  I had a chance to spend some time with my Father and share some great memories.  My Mom was looking good and giving my Dad a hard time.  It was the weekend of their 49th wedding anniversary and it was nice to see them enjoying themselves.   I shared a letter that I found that Will had written to one of his friends.   

The letter was reminder of how Will dealt with the challenges that he faced as a 9 year old.  It was direct, to the point and did not mince words.  His friend had hurt his feelings, he wanted them to know and have an opportunity to make things right.   It was an amazing glimpse of the boy that I miss so much.  I want to be more like him every day.   How often does someone hurt our feelings and we don't let them know.  They might not have any idea.  His words were not confrontational, he was just being honest about his feelings.

I carry the letter in my wallet and have pulled it out several times since Father's Day. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

Team WILLpower presents Pro Wrestling to benefit the Special Olympics of Haralson County

Team WILLpower presents Pro Wrestling to benefit the Special Olympics of Haralson County

Be sure to check out for all the info on Team WILLpower events.

Each event is part of my effort to keep Will's goals and principles alive.

The main focus of our events to date have been to fund Kids Beach Club programs in Paulding County schools.

Please support this event if you are in the area.

The Return of the Blog - Part 1

The Return of the Blog - Part 1

It is has been months since anything new has been posted to my blog.   I have sat down several times to write something but it always sounded too negative to post.  Life has been tough lately and I have not found much that I have wanted to share publicly.   The trials and tribulations of life have brought me to a point that I never thought I would have to face. 

With every memory is a smile.
With every smile is a tear.
With every tear is a wish.
With every wish is a prayer.

Never give up.
Never give in.
Never forget.

Those words came to me after looking at some photos of Will and shedding a few tears. 

I miss Will more than ever.